How to Get to Hook of Holland Ferry Port

Hook of Holland Ferry Port Directions

We have all the information you need to find your way to Hook of Holland ferry port, whether by car or train.

Then to make a ferry booking with ferryonline use our booking form above, compare prices and save on cheap ferries to Holland.

Stena Line operate from Hook of Holland Port.

Hook of Holland Ferry Port by Car

From: E30/E25 - You can get to the Hook of Holland easily by taking either the E30 or E25 motorways. These link directly with with Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the rest of Holland. Just follow the signs to "‘Engeland" and "Hook van Holland".

Hook of Holland Ferry Port By Rail

The railway station is adjacent to the ferry terminal with connections to Rotterdam and the Hague on the Amsterdam Express.

Parking at Hook Van Holland Ferry Port

There is both long and short term parking available at the ferry terminal and designated spaces for disabled parking.